Home » Heart Chakra Balancing: Tips to Strengthen and Balance Your Heart Chakra

Heart Chakra Balancing

How to Balance Your Heart Chakra

By Linda Dieffenbach

Your Heart Chakra is your center, the bridge between your body and soul.

Your Heart (Fourth) chakra is located in the center of your chest, about 1½ to 2 inches above the base of the sternum.  It is the center point between your lower and upper chakras and is the bridge between the expression of the soul and the physical experience of life.

Properties of the Heart Chakra

Heart Chakra Balancing, chakra clearing, chakra health,
Heart Chakra Balancing

Heart Chakra Physical Influences:

The Heart Chakra influences the heart, lungs, arms, breasts and mid-thoracic vertebrae.  It also influences the circulatory, respiratory and lymphatic systems.

Heart Chakra Consciousness Influences:

The Heart Chakra reflects your ability to love and connect with self and others, as well as your ability to accept and feel compassion for self and others.  It governs your ability to enjoy life and resolve challenges. The heart is the vessel through which we digest and transmute life experience, enabling you to meet and embrace the ups and downs of life.  Through this process, your experience becomes knowledge, wisdom, peace, forgiveness and release.  Your Heart brings you the experience beauty, joy, oneness, love, grief, passion and pain.  The Heart Chakra is also your Soul Force Center – the point where the energy of your soul enters your body.  This is the place of deep/soul-level seeing and knowing.

Is Your Heart Chakra in Balance?

Your chakras are rich, deep, complex and many layered energy systems that hold the history of your life experience.  They are constantly interacting with and impacted by the world around you.  As you go through life, each experience affects your energy and health.  A healthy chakra processes and digests these experiences, enabling healthy growth.  Experiences, such as conflicts or traumatic events that are not processed and digested lead to imbalances (i.e. become over or under active), blockages, damage and dysfunction in the affected chakra(s).

Chronic stress, trauma, conflict and unaddressed issues create chakra imbalances that lead to significant physical, emotional and mental health problems. Self-care is therefore of the utmost importance.

Heart Chakra Balancing, chakra healing

Here are some things to look for to determine if your Heart Chakra is healthy and in balance:

  • Easily able to give and receive love
  • Accepting of self and others
  • Takes responsibility for self
  • Compassionate toward self and others
  • Able to experience and express emotions without suppression
  • Manages stress with ease
  • Able to navigate life’s changing circumstances
  • Generosity of Spirit
  • Appropriately trusting
  • Joyful & Peaceful disposition
  • Able to forgive self and others for transgressions
  • Hears and follows hearts/soul’s longings
  • Healthy heart and lungs

Signs of Imbalance in the Heart Chakra:

  • Inability to accept/receive love
  • Inability to love and accept self
  • Challenges with adjusting to changing life experiences/demands
  • Lack of compassion; “Hard Hearted”, cold or aloof
  • Heart and Lung related health conditions
  • Weak immune system
  • Upper back pain
  • Chronic stress
  • Hand and arm related disorders (Carpel Tunnel, numbness, etc.)
  • Holding on to grief
  • Inability to forgive, punishing self and others
  • Intolerant of imperfection, critical of self and others
  • Difficulty experiencing and expressing emotions
  • Disconnected
  • Smothering, clingy or overly needy
  • Unable to connect with or follow hearts/soul’s longings

Tips and Tools for Balancing Your Heart Chakra

Heart Chakra Balancing, fourth chakra, charka clearing, chakra balancing
Heart Opening

Trauma, unresolved conflicts, karmic and past life circumstances, belief systems and/or chronic behavioral patterns cause imbalances, blockages, and/or damage in the chakras.  When imbalances in the chakra system are unresolved, over time the blockage of energy flow manifests as illness, dis-ease or disorder.  When the physical body is under continued stress, the chakras will not work properly.  The key to healing is to address the root cause of the disorder, not just the symptoms. If you are struggling in some area, it is important to find a qualified counselor, coach or healer to support you in your healing process.  Various forms of energy healing such as Reiki, Acupressure and Chakra Clearing can help relax, rebalance and open the chakras during a session.  In doing so, it creates the opportunity for the chakra to repair itself, stimulating the healing process.

Here are some self-care tips and tools you can use to strengthen your Heart Chakra:

  • Practice deep breathing exercises
  • Tell yourself “I love You”
  • Sit with your hands over your heart and send nurturing energy to yourself
  • Engage in activities that bring you joy and open your heart
  • Do chi exercises such as Tai Chi, Qi Gong and Yoga
  • Love yourself
  • Practice receiving and giving love
  • Play
  • Practice gratitude
  • Keep a gratitude journal
  • Spend time in nature
  • Practice random acts of kindness
  • Focus on your Heart Chakra in meditation and practice holding questions in your heart and listening to the voice of your soul
  • Practice holding an internal or external conflict in your heart during meditation and be present with it
  • Feel and allow your emotions

A general note about Chakra Health

You are constantly interacting with and responding to the world around you.  So are your chakras.  Practices that help clear and rebalance the chakras are never a “once and done” activity.  Just as you would not expect your body to remain clean forever after one shower, your chakras are not going stay clear forever after one meditation or one Reiki session. On-going energetic self-care plays is essential for overall chakra health and well-being. In areas where there is imbalance or damage to one or more chakras, more intensive treatment may be warranted until healing is complete.

bleeding heart flowwe

Want to go deeper and learn how to heal your chakras?

Check out our Chakra Mastery Program – A 9-Month Journey to Return to Balance.

During this comprehensive online self-study course, you gain a deeper understanding of your energy system, learn how the chakras function, and explore ways in which they become compromised. From there, you discover signs of imbalances within each chakra, and learn a wide range of practical tools to strengthen each of your chakras. Additionally, you have the option to receive 1:1 guidance and support from Linda each month. Click here to learn more and register today.

About Linda Dieffenbach:

Linda has over 15 years experience as an energy healer, coach and personal development expert.  She specializes in empowering you to overcome the patterns and habits that are keeping you feeling stuck and overwhelmed with your life.  Her areas of training and expertise include personal empowerment, self-care skills, stress management, healthy relationships,  effective communication, suicide prevention, and trauma. To learn more about Linda, click here.  Interested in working with Linda?  Click here.

Photo Credit: Heart Chakra Fractal Image by San Jaya Prime

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