I hope you are all remaining safe and healthy during this time. The events unfolding with COVID-19 are unprecedented. Living through a time of great uncertainty has a profound impact on all of us. The stress of isolation, fear, and significant life changes takes a toll on our physical, emotional, mental and energetic well-being. Self-care and stress management is essential for navigating the coming weeks and months.
With uncertainty surrounding the spread of COVID, services are available via video conference, in addition to in office sessions. I am here and able to support you. Because many have taken a financial hit, I have put together some lower cost options to ensure that you can access the supports that you need right now.
In Person Services Available
Limited private sessions for Integrated Energy Healing, Reiki and Chakra Clearing are available in our downtown Phoenixville office. Please note that we are following health and safety guidelines put forth by the Department of Health for any in office sessions, including:
- Masks must be worn at all times. For those unable to wear a mask for any reason, please schedule a virtual session.
- We ask everyone to wash their hands upon entering the office. Hand sanitizer is available.
- Temperatures are taken upon arrival.
- If you are feeling ill within 24 hours of your appointment, please cancel or switch to a virtual session.
- High touch surfaces are sanitized between sessions.
Virtual Services Available
Chakra Clearing with Applied Integration
Establishing tools to navigate stress, fear and overwhelm, alongside our ‘normal’ day to day stress is essential right now. Chakra Clearing with Applied Integration supports you in healing and clearing imbalances caused by daily stress, conflicts, past and current trauma, and other experiences that are impacting your body and energy system. Through this, you learn essential tools for self-care.
Sessions are available online via video conference and can be scheduled online. Click here for more details about Chakra Clearing. For those of you navigating financial hardship due to loss of business or employment, please reach out to me directly. I am happy to work with you to come up with options to make this (or any of my services) available to you.
30 Minute Private Healing/Crisis Coaching Session for $40
We are all facing a lot of stress with COVID-19 and other personal and collective events. The isolation and change in routines is challenging for many. As a temporary support tool, I am offering 30 minute private crisis sessions via video conference.
These sessions are individualized to meet your current needs, with a focus on stress management and development of self-care tools and strategies. There is also an option to extend the call for an addition 30 minutes if you feel you need more time.
Distance Reiki Sessions
Reiki remains available via distance sessions. At the start of the session, we will touch base via phone to check in. When possible, be in a quiet comfortable place, free of interruption. During the session, you may experience a variety of sensations, most commonly, deep relaxation and a sense of peace. Afterwards, we will touch base to debrief. I have added a 30 minute session in addition to the regular 60 & 90 minute sessions that we usually offer. Click for details and scheduling.
You’re Not Alone
With all the uncertainty we are facing from COVID-19 and other events, stress levels are high. Please know that you are not alone. If you need support, please reach out. I am here to help you through this. And PLEASE do not let money be a barrier. If you are experiencing financial distress right now, call me. We can work together to come up with viable options for you. The overall health and well being of each of us is the priority now, and we can work together to take care of one another.
Tools to Support You
Here are a couple tools to support you:
Relaxation and Grounding Meditation: In times of uncertainty and fear, our sense of safety is rattled and our Root Chakra is impacted. For this, grounding is a valuable way to decrease anxiety levels and reconnect with your foundation and sense of security. Click here to download a free guided relaxation and grounding practice.
Root Chakra Balancing: Click here to learn more about the Root Chakra and some steps you can take to support it.
Coping Strategies for Children and Teens: Click here for some ideas to help your children navigate stress.